Course Program
- Manicure (regular painting techniques, French manicure, hand massage and warm oil / paraffin wax nourishing treatments)
- Pedicure (including foot scrub and foot massage)
- Theory & practical of facial treatments massage, mixing and application of face masques, steaming and extraction
- Waxing (hot bees wax and strip methods)
- Eyelash and eyebrow tinting and shaping
- Electrical facial treatments (Microdermabration, Microcurrent, Galvanic, Ultrasonic scrubber, High frequency .)
Body Therapy
- Swedish Body Massage
- Deep Tissue Massage
- Hot Stone Massage
- Figure Analysis
Spa Programme
- Salude Per Aqua (health through water
- Spa water treatments – Hydrotherapy | Steam | Sauna |
- Body Exfoliation | Wraps | Slimming Treatments |
- History maintenance and hygiene of spa
- Professional ethics in Spa Management
Generic Studies
- Anatomy and physiology of the human body
- Client Consultation
- Contra-indications to therapies
- Individual customisation of treatments
- Retail sales
- Diet and Nutrition
- Basic First Aid